We only do training for groups of 2 or more at work places using their equipment unless hired in.
What is the cost of Training in Sydney & NSW?
Cost of training in Sydney & NSW will depend on factors such as, type of training, number of trainees, location of workplace and when training is required. For more information see our Pricing Page
Yellow Card FAQ
Gold Card Telehandler / Manitou FAQ
VOC Verification of Competency FAQ
Refresher Training FAQ
SafeWork NSW (WorkCover) Licensing FAQ
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
What is a USI?
The USI is a reference number made up of ten numbers and letters that:
- Creates a secure online record of your recognised training and qualifications gained in Australia, from all training providers you undertake recognised training with
- Will give you access to your training records and transcripts
- Can be accessed online, anytime and anywhere
- Is free and easy to create and
- Stays with you for life
Who needs a USI?
A USI is required for any nationally recognised course.
How to get a USI
It is free and easy for students to create their own USIs online.
Visit the USI website at: www.usi.gov.au
Steps to create a USI
The following steps show how students can create a USI:
Step 1 Have at least one and preferably two forms of ID ready from the list below:
- Driver’s Licence
- Medicare Card
- Australian Passport
- Non-Australian Passport (with Australian Visa)
- Birth Certificate (Australian)
- Certificate Of Registration By Descent
- Citizenship Certificate
- Immi Card
IMPORTANT: To make sure we keep all a student’s training records together, the USI will be linked to the student’s name as it appears on the form of ID used to create the USI. The personal details entered when a student creates a USI must match exactly with those on their form of ID.
If a student has no proof of ID from the list above, they will be required to contact their training organisation about other forms of ID they can accept to help a student get a USI.
Step 2 Have contact details ready (e.g. email address, or mobile number, or address).
Step 3 Visit the USI website at: www.usi.gov.au
Step 4 Select ‘Student Entry’ and then Select ‘Create a USI’ link and follow the steps.
Step 5 Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Step 6 Follow the instructions to create a USI – it should only take a few minutes. Upon completion, the USI will be displayed on the screen. It will also be sent to the student’s preferred method of contact.
Step 7 The student should then write down the USI and keep it somewhere handy and safe.
More information For more information please visit: usi.gov.au Or contact us at Email: usi@education.gov.au Phone: 1300 857 536. To view this document online please visit: www.usi.gov.au
Yellow Card FAQ
What is Yellow Card Training?
The EWP, Yellow card is a nationally recognised operator training program administered by the Elevated Work Platform Association Of Australia (EWPAA), the peak representative body for this industry. The EWPA Yellow Card programme aims to confirm that the operators of specific types of EWPs have been trained and are competent in the safe use of the work platform. Also to provide documentary evidence that the required ‘duty of care has been met or exceeded.
A Yellow Card Ticket issued to operators who have been successfully trained by an accredited EWPAA trainer.

What is covered in Card Training?
- Hazard Identification and Risk Control
- Pre start safety checks, and correct log book use
- Safe equipment operation
- WHS regulations and duty of care
- Emergency procedures
- Correct Shut down procedures
- Short written knowledge assessment
- Practical Demonstration of skills
What can I do if I have lost my EWPA Yellow Card?
Call or email the Elevating Work Platform Association with your full name and details on (02) 9997 5133 info@ewpa.com.au.
Do I need a Yellow card for a scissor lift?
Yes but there are no height restrictions for scissor lift.
Do I need a Yellow card for a vertical lift?
You are required to do the EWPA yellow card VL module
Do I need a Yellow card if I already have a EWP High Risk Work Licence?
Yes if you operate a scissor lift or vertical lift with are not covered with the HRW licence
I have an old Yellow Card without a photo, is it still valid?

The new Yellow Cards from 01/07/2013 onwards provide more information on risk assessment, have photos, are mapped to the a nationally recognised framework but most importantly has a 5 year expiry date and requires refresher training
What you need to know:
- The old Yellow Card is still valid
- You can’t convert your old card to the new one without more training
- If you are a Contractor on a site, they may require the new Yellow Card. In this case your best option would be to do the new Yellow Card training.
More information can be found on the Elevated Work Platform Association Website ( http://www.ewpa.com.au )
Direct link http://www.ewpa.com.au/uploads/Old%20and%20New%20Yellow%20Card%20Program%20Clarification%20March%202015.pdf
For more information on course, timings, cost etc go to Yellow Card Training
Gold Card Telehandler / Manitou FAQ
We only do training for groups of 2 or more at work places using their equipment unless hired in.
What is a Telehander?
A telescopic handler or telehandler incorporates a telescopic fitted with a lifting attachment, including Fork tynes, buckets, work platforms & jibs. These are variable reach rough terrain type vehicles.
What is a Gold Card?
A Gold Card is designed to provide evidence of structured Duty of Care training for employers for Telehandlers that do not fall under a WorkCover High Risk Work Licence. It is issued by the Telescopic Handlers Association of Australia
What does a Gold Card cover?
A Gold Card is required in NSW when forks are attached, when:
- When a work Platform basket is attached over 11 metres an Elevated Work Platform – WP class High Risk Work Licence required
- When a jib or hook is attached is used over 3 tonne -Crane – CN class High Risk Work Licence required
- When the Telehandler has slewing function – Crane – CN/ C2/ C1 or C0 class High Risk Work Licence required
Does a forklift license cover the use of forks on a Telehandler?
No Forklifts and Telehandlers have very different capabilities, limitations and characteristics. even an experiences forklift operator would not be able to safely operate a Telehandler without proper training
Why do I need a Gold Card?
Employers must provide the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees at work.
WHS Act 2011
Duties of a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) Primary duty of care:
- A PCBU has the primary duty of care to ensure the health and safety of workers while they are at work
in the business or undertaking. - A PCBU is also responsible for ensuring work carried out does not carry risk to the health and safety
of others.
This means the PCBU must:
- Provide and maintain a safe work environment;
- Provide and maintain safe plant and structures;
- Provide and maintain safe systems of work;
- Ensure the safe use, handling and storage of plant, structures and substances;
- Provide adequate facilities (and ensure access is maintained);
- Provide instruction, training, information and supervision; and
- Monitor the health of workers and conditions at the workplace.
For more information on course, timings, cost etc go to Gold Card Training
VOC – Verification of Competency FAQ
We only do VOC’s for groups of 2 or more at work places using their equipment unless hired in.
What is VOC – Verification of Competency?
Some work places may require current or prospective employees or contractors to provide Verification of Competency (VOC). This is to ensure that employees and contractors are competent to perform the work. Companies need to meet their legal obligation to provide information, instruction and training. VOC’s can be used to ensure current competence where:
- The training and assessment may have occurred a long time ago without any refresher training since. They may have more than 10 years of bad habits
- The person has not used that training and assessment for an extended period of time. If you have not used equipment for years, then your skills my not be current
- There are questions about how well the original training and assessment was conducted. Unfortunately not all training organisations are reputable and the process may not have been done properly.
VOC can be carried out to meet this requirement and identify any further training requirements. A credit card sized Blue Card will be issued on successful completion. Our Trainers and Assessors are accredited with Bluetron, one of the first organisations to offer VOC’s. For more information on the Bluetron VOC system, visit www.bluetron.com.au. It is a five part process covering:
- Test of underpinning knowledge
- Observation of Practical Performance
- Validation of experience
- VOC documented, report provided and Blue Card issued
- Refresher training conducted if competency not achieved
What areas can be VOC’d – Verified?
High Risk WorkCover Licences for:
- LF Forklift Truck
- LO Order Picking Forklift Truck
- HM Materials Hoist (Cantilever Platform)
- HP Personnel and Materials Hoist
- WP Boom Type Elevating Work Platform (Boom length 11 metres or more)
- DG Dogging
- C2 Slewing Mobile Crane (up to 20 tonnes)
- CB Bridge and Gantry Crane Operation
Elevated Work Platform Yellow Cards for:
- Boom lift
- Scissor Lift
- Vertical Lift
- Trailer Lift
- Truck Mounted
Telehandler Gold Cards for:
- Forks
- Jibs
- Buckets
- Work Platforms
Others including:
- Work Safely at Heights
- Harness Inspection
- Manual Handling
- Emergency Descent Device
- Overhead Bridge and Gantry Crane
- Safe Slinging Techniques
- Pedestrian Operated Forklift
- Turret Truck
How long does it take?:
A VOC takes 3-4 hours depending on the actual course undertaken, number of people and their level of training and experience.
What does it Cost?
- Cost of training will depend on location and number of trainees
- A tailored quote will be given
- Cost could be as low as $200 Per Person
For more information please call 0410 019 149.
Refresher Training FAQ
We only do training for groups of 2 or more at work places using their equipment unless hired in.
Do you need to do Refresher Training?
Refresher training is required under legislation in Australia. Workplaces must provide Refresher training as part of their duty of care
What Refresher training is Available?
Refresher training can be provided for Forklift High Reach Forklift, Order Picker Forklift and Elevated Work Platforms including Boom Lift, Scissor Lift and Vertical Lift
How often should Refresher Training be done?
Annual Driver Training is the best way to ensure your staff operating equipment safely and productively and businesses are complying with their legal obligations.
What Refresher Training is Available?
Refresher training can be provided for
- Elevated Work Platforms including Boom Lift, Scissor Lift & Vertical Lift
- Telehandler / Manitou
- Forklift
- High Reach Forklift
- Order Picker Forklift
- Electric Pallet Jack
- Turret Truck
What does Refresher Training Cost?
From as little as $100 Per Person depending on numbers and location of training. See more about pricing Here
What does Refresher Training Cover?
- Legal requirement for specific equipment
- Hazard identification and risk control
- Specific equipment checks
- Safe operation
- Fault reporting procedures
- Correct shut down and securing of specific equipment
- Assessment of operator competence in theory and practical
- Employer to receive a written training report providing feedback on individual operator performance and any issues or recommendations
- Issue of a Statement of Attainment on successful completion of course
SafeWork NSW (WorkCover) Licensing FAQ
We only do training for groups of 2 or more at work places using their equipment unless hired in.
Can I proceed straight to an assessor for a high-risk work licence?
No. A licence applicant must engage with an RTO before proceeding to a high-risk work licence assessment with a WorkCover accredited assessor. The RTO will determine when the applicant is ready for assessment.
How old must you be to get a High Risk Work Licence?
You must be at least 18 years old.
What Identification is required? (Click for link)
To be SafeWork NSW (WorkCover) assessed for your High Risk Work Licence you must produce 100 points of identification. This identification must be from the below table and must include the trainee’s date of birth, current address, photograph & signature.
Documents provided must be original. Certified copies will not be accepted. The documents must include photo ID, name, current address and signature.
You do not have to provide a primary document. You may use a combination of secondary documents. At least 1 document must have your photo & current address.
If you provide more than one credit card, savings account card or statement, they must be from different financial institutions (2 different banks).
If you provide more than one utility bill, they must be from different utility providers.
ALL documents provided must contain your name in full, not just your initials.
Primary Documents
Note: Only one primary document can be used. Must be the original documents. Copies or extracts will not be accepted (must have mothers & fathers name).
- Australian Birth Certificate or Birth Card (issued by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages) 70pts
- Australian or International Passport (current or expired within the last 2 years, but not cancelled) 70pts
- Australian Citizenship Certificate 70pts
Secondary Documents
- Current Australian issued Drivers Licence 40pts
- Current Australian issued Drivers Licence/Learners Permit 40pts
- Current Australian Boat operators Licence (with Photo) 40pts
- Current NSW Firearms Licence (with Photo) 40pts
- SafeWork NSW (WorkCover) NSW issued Licence (with Photo) 40pts
- Current Australian State or Territory Proof of age Card (e.g. NSW RMS issued Photo card) 40pts
- Australian Police or Department of Defence Card (with Photo) 40pts
- Department of Veterans Affairs Card 25pts
- Centrelink Card 25pts
- Property (Council) rates notice 25pts
- Property lease agreement. 25pts
- Home insurance papers 25pts
- A utility bill (e.g. water, electricity, gas) 25pts
- Telephone account 25pts
- Credit Card/Savings account cards/bank statements 25pts
- Medicare Card 25pts
- Motor Vehicle registration or insurance document 25pts
The assessment can’t be conducted without enough or correct ID. A re-booking fee will apply.
What is the difference between a LF and LO forklift licence?
The LF Forklift Licence allows you to drive any Forklift except for an Order Picker/Stock Picker Forklift and is the most commonly obtained licence. The LO Forklift Licence allows you to operate the Order Picker/Stock Picker type Forklift.
How long does it take to get a High Risk Work Licence?
This will vary depending on the type of license and how much experience trainees have had operating the equipment . There is no minimum number of hours required. Allow approximately 12 hours for training if you have limited or no experience on the equipment, less depending on previous experience
Where can I do the training?
We only offer training at your workplace.
How do I obtain a licence to perform high-risk work?
Trainees must enrol in an approved course with a Registered Training Organisations who manage the training and assessment for high-risk work licences in NSW. The new licence will be called a National licence to perform high risk work (HRW licence), and will be recognised in all states and territories. National certificates of competency (NCOCs) are also recognised nationally, but will be replaced with the new high-risk work card at their five-year renewal date.
In order to obtain a high-risk work licence, applicants must;
- Be at least 18 years old
- Enrol in a recognised course of training with an RTO
- Provide truthful information and 100 points of ID
- Successfully complete a WorkCover assessment
- Pay a fee and process the WorkCover Paperwork through a Post Office.
Why are there photos on the new HRW licences?
Photographic licensing is aimed at reducing fraudulent copying and swapping of licences.
Can certificates be cancelled or suspended?
Certificates of Competency can be cancelled or suspended if:
- the holder is found to be no longer competent to do the work covered by their certificate
- the holder is convicted of an offence related to work covered by the certificate
- the certificate is gained using false or misleading information.
Certificates issued by another state certifying authority may be cancelled or suspended on advice given to the certifying authority by WorkCover. A NSW certificate may be cancelled or suspended on advice received by WorkCover from another state certifying authority.
How long is my licence valid for?
NCOC photo licences are valid for five years from the date of issue. Additional classes may be added to your card at any time upon payment of the relevant fee, however the original expiry date will not change.
Where do I lodge my NCOC photo licence application?
Individuals issued a Notice of Satisfactory Assessment (NSA) from a SafeWork NSW (WorkCover) accredited assessor on or after 4 September 2006 must lodge their application at any Australia Post Bank@Post outlet in NSW or the ACT within 60 days of issue .
Where is my nearest Australia Post outlet?
Locations of outlets may be obtained by calling Australia Post on 13 13 18, or visit www.auspost.com.au/pol/.
What must I have to apply for a new NCOC photo licence at Australia Post?
You must have:
- National Certificate of Competency (licence) – New application form
- NSA issued within the previous 60 days
- Evidence of identity documentation (originals only) that total at least 100 points, as specified on the application form
- Passport-size, quality, colour photograph with your name and date of birth printed on the back
- All NSW-issued NCOC cards held in your name or a letter of authority from WorkCover if your NCOC cards are lost, stolen, damaged or in a previous name.
- Application fee – $68.68 per class
Will Australia Post accept my application if my NSA was issued more than 60 days ago?
No. NSAs are only valid for 60 days from the date of issue. You will need to contact a WorkCover accredited assessor for reassessment. A new NSA will then be issued.
What documents can I use to prove my identity?
The same criteria as those used for the assessment.
How do I change my name on my NCOC licence?
Contact SafeWork NSW (WorkCover) on 13 10 50 for details about changing your name on WorkCover-issued licences.
What should I do if I have changed my address?
Contact SafeWork NSW (WorkCover) on 13 10 50 and provide the details about change of address. This should be done with 14 days of moving and will allow WorkCover to send out notification of when you license must be renewed.
How do I obtain a replacement licence if it is lost, stolen or damaged?
Contact SafeWork NSW (WorkCover) on 13 10 50.
Where do I get a NCOC application form?
Your assessor will issue you an application form. Photocopies cannot be submitted.
How long will it take to receive my NCOC photo licence?
Allow 20 working days after lodging your application with Australia Post
How much does a National Certificate of Competency (NCOC) photo licence cost?
- new application fee – $74 per class
- renewal application fee – $68 per card
- replacement application fee – $34 per card.
Are the national certificates recognised throughout Australia?
Nationally uniform Certificates of Competency issued by SafeWork NSW (WorkCover) are automatically recognised throughout Australia. Certificates do not have to be changed over to work interstate.
Nationally uniform certificates issued by another state certifying authority allow the holder to work automatically in NSW.
Although some States and Territories do not issue certificates for the operation of all classes of load shifting, certificates issued in NSW on a national card will be recognised as evidence of a person’s competency in this area. A person coming from a State or Territory which does not issue load shifting equipment certificates must obtain a Certificate of Competency in NSW. This is achieved by undertaking an assessment with an accredited assessor.
Can an Assessor assess soemone who lives in another state?
What are the options for perfroming high risk work?
There are only two options. All persons performing high risk work must either;
1. hold (or applied for) a licence in accordance with the regulations of the jurisdiction where they work, or
2. be engaged in formal training with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
An employer or person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must not direct or allow a worker to carry out high risk work unless they sight written evidence that the worker satisfies one of the above option
Can I skip the training and go straight to the assessment?
No. You may be able to get credit or recognition for experience you have gained in the workplace previously, but you will have to satisfy the assessor that you have achieved sufficient competence and experience to be able to successfully undertake the assessment. This is normally in the form of a training record (logbook) and formal RTO statement. You could also apply to undertake a process of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
As a condition of their accreditation, licence assessors are not permitted to conduct an assessment for a HRW licence unless they sight evidence of formal training and supervised practical training or experience in some form acceptable to the RTO.
Is my old life time licence or non-photo license still valid?
These licences are no longer valid.
Is there a High Risk Work Licence for earth moving equipment?
No, employees must ensure competency of the operator. This may include a Statement of Attainment, Qualification Card, Certificate of Competency, or old High Risk Work License. Formal competency based training and assesment by an Accredited Registered and Training Organisation is recommended.